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How to Identify & Overcome Common Auto Repair Sales Objections

sales objection is exactly what it sounds like—when a customer objects to something you’re trying to sell them, such as an automotive repair service or upsell.

Sales objections are likely to be statements such as:

  • “The price is too high.”
  • “I can take my car somewhere else and have the repairs done for less.”
  • “I don’t think I need the repair right now.”

In the vast majority of cases, the objection will have to do with price; in some other situations the customer believes they can get more value from a competitor (in which case it’s your job to convince them that you offer the most value).

Developing strategies for overcoming an auto repair sales objection is a worthwhile endeavor for you and your team. Even if you’re not a born salesperson, being able to recognize objections and assuage a customer’s fears can keep their car in your shop instead of getting parked at someone else’s.

In this post, we’ll explore a few easy-to-understand methods you can implement right away to defeat objections. Let’s begin with the most important:

Never Act Defensive About Your Price Point or Proposed Value

When a customer presents you with an objection, it’s very easy to become defensive. Everyone doing any kind of selling, whether they’re in the automotive industry or not, has at some point hastily thought, “Well, if you don’t like it, go somewhere else!”

Here’s the thing: with that attitude, they probably will. And that’s a big problem if you’re talking about a sale that could have otherwise been saved.

The key to avoiding appearing defensive is to empathize with your customer as much as you can. Try to put yourself in their shoes—a necessary but expensive repair might have caught them completely off-guard.

When appropriate, calmly but firmly remind the customer that the repair has to take place if they want to drive their vehicle and/or avoid future, potentially far more expensive repairs.

This process is made easier when you build trust with the customer. Trust is a necessary component for both brand new customers and loyal clients who have been with you for years.

Let’s dig a little deeper into the topic:

Building Trust Through Empathy

Have you ever had the feeling a customer “zones out” a bit after you tell them they need a repair? That’s probably because they’re thinking things like, “How am I going to get to work tomorrow?” or “I don’t think I can afford this right now and I’m freaking out.

When you talk price, they might only be thinking about how they can get the job done for less. What they’re not considering is that your cheaper competitor has a reputation for shoddy jobs or “unexpected” delays.

You’re not just going for a sale here—if you believe in your workmanship and integrity, you’re quite literally trying to do them a favor by convincing them to work with you.

That, at least, is the mindset you should have. When you empathize with the customer, you’re more likely to convey that you’re more about helping and less about straight-up selling.

Build that empathetic connection by listening intently and making eye contact (or, if you’re on the phone with them, don’t interrupt).

Sell The Value, Not Just a Low Price Point

A competitive price is rarely a bad thing, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to undercut all of your competitors. Therefore, the customer needs to choose your shop for their repairs because of the value you offer.

A lot of the time a customer is deeply concerned by the “inconvenience factor” rather than the actual price point. Do what you can to reassure them that your shop, barring any unforeseen difficulties, always strives to meet deadlines. You use high quality automotive products that your competitor’s don’t. You have industry-respected certifications.

Remind them that if they want the job done right the first time—avoiding further inconvenience—that your shop is the right choice.

If the price or fear of inconvenience aren’t the customer’s objection, it might be that they think someone else can provide them with more value. This commonly happens when the performance of the vehicle is deeply important to the customer. Think scenarios like, “We planned on taking a family trip next weekend” or “this is my mother’s car.”

Again, empathy and non-defensiveness should come into play here. You already know you can get the job done well for them, so build that trust and sense of connection so that they can see it too.

Defeat Sales Objections With Confidence

When you’re backed up by a great team and the best products and equipment, you can handle sales objections with confidence.

If you’d like to learn more about how BG can help your business grow, feel free to get in touch.